Friday, September 5, 2008

First project for Tuesday night class. Team Loch Ness: Angi, Andy Jean, Arlene, Sam and Charles.

The project we decided on was not the first idea we came up with. We decided to turn an existing archway into the Loch Ness Monster. I think that it turned out pretty well for our first project. It was really fun and I think we learned a lot from it. I think everyone was able to contribute something special to our team thank you to Andy Jean, Arlene, Sam and Charles!

When I first saw these arches I really liked them. Then when we were given our first assignment I wanted to use them. The first thing I thought was "inch worm or Caterpillar"...

(Arches before our project)

Then it hit me! The Loch Ness Monster! The shape of the arches were perfect and the surroundings were great too.

(Loch Ness Monster sighting)

I thought it would be funny to give our monster a Plaid hat. I also thought that people would be able to tell what it was a little more if they could relate the project with something known for being Scottish (Loch Ness is in Scotland, plaid=Scottish). Arlene suggested a beret. We used the picture below as inspiration for our Scottish clothing for our monster. (Scottish Style Clothing)

Our finished project

I'm kind of proud of my beret. I've never made a hat before. It is also one of the first items I have ever made without the use of a pattern.

Great job everyone on this project and the other two as well!

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